REV. 01 OF  


Pag. 1 di 1


Rome, 16/01/2023

System Data Center, with registered office and headquarters in Rome, N.198 Acilia street - 00125, VAT No. 00963321005, considers the energy efficiency improvement a strategic goal to achieve, with the clear intent to limit the impact on the environment, by reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere, and to decrease the costs related to energy use. The company’s management believes that an ongoing and systemic approach to the issue of energy efficiency is essential. Therefore, has launched the implementation of an Energy Management System (EMS) in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018, aiming at achieving the certification by the year 2023, which is inspired by an energy policy congruent with the objectives set out below:

▪ Ensure the availability of information and resources necessary to achieve the predetermined energy goals and targets, with the purpose of a continuous improvement;

 ▪ Commitment to compliance with all applicable legislative obligations and regulations related to energy policy and its aspects;

▪ Promotion and support of initiatives and activities aimed at reducing energy consumption within its own organization and, if possible, with its customers;

 ▪ Optimization of our own plant direction and maintenance (also that of our customers when possible), ensuring optimal use of energy with the same outcome.

▪ As a result of widespread energy monitoring, carry out a plan to replace machines and equipment aiming for greater energy efficiency, always keeping in mind a cost/benefit perspective in the medium and long term;

 ▪ Encourage the use of low energy consumption resources; 

▪ Defining and keeping up to date databases on periodic plant consumption, broadcasting summary documentation to the managers involved, and constantly detecting behaviors in according to the sustainable consumption policy;

▪ To spread awareness about energy use at all levels, through releases and training activities; 

▪ Set up and support "best practices" involving all workers;

 ▪ Based on cost-benefit analysis, increase the use of renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions and obstructing climate change.

System Data Center works hard to examine, in a critical and objective manner, the adequacy and efficacy of its EMS over time, through audit activities, periodic reports conducted by the Energy Management Team, and by management reviews. In order to achieve the set energy goals, the Management is committed to providing the necessary resources depending on budgetary availability. For this purpose, all staff are encouraged to contribute with proposals and suggestions for the continuous renovation of the energy management system. Advises can be communicated to the Energy Management Team at email address .

​The Management